Tuesday, March 25, 2008

how about:
"It's almost the Wiikend Wednesday!"????
"Wii love White Wine Wednesdays!"?
Either way, i approve of this.

Secondly, a camping trip to Montauk would be ever more spectacular. I am very down. I take it Rich and the MM crew will be in attendance? Just let me know what weekend it is. As long as we can grill up some lobsters over the campfire, I'm completely cool with any arrangements (except Fire Island <- I'm not really down with that scene).

PS. Jon and Tom. I think I'm gonna get rid of two of my surfboards this year. How I came to have three, I still do not know. But the fact of the matter is that I'm really bad at surfing and I don't need/want three boards. The two are yours for a very, very reasonable price, to be discussed in the future. Interested?

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