Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hurro Fellas

This weekend I will be in hiding, sort of. I've got my (and steve's) first triathlon on sunday morning, so I will not be going out at all. Just resting. I was thinking of just going to the movies or something on Friday night. Keeping it super-low key. Lame, i know.

Anyway, let's take stock of where we stand as far as future weekends. I've taken the liberty of inviting myself and being as rude as possible. Enjoy:

June 14-15 - Father's Day and Triathlon
June 21-22 - ????
June 28-29 - Motorcycle Trip to Boston
July 4-5 - Spack's House?? (Am I even invited to that?)
July 12-13 - Rhode Island Camping???
July 19-20 - Boston???
July 26-27 - Miami???

August - Winery Tour??? (aka binge drinking)
August - Miami???
August 23-24 - Tobay Triathlon

The one's in white are weekends in question. Please let's pick a weekend for the winery tour and then we'll put together a list of people we hate and don't want to come at all.

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