Monday, September 8, 2008

Esteban...whats up man...called you to see how your TRI went...hope it went well........

mike chris and i had a fun filled weekend in manhattan.

Went into the city on Saturday afternoon....started to rain while we were on our way in....
Chris needed to go to the bank, so chris mike and i ventured out to go to Bank of America..on the way Mike finds a cute girl on the side of the is drizzling at this point, so Mike walks over and covers her with his huge umbrella...she walks accross amsterdam and broadway with mike the entire time saying how nice mike is...saying he is Chivalrous....or something like that...and mike proceeded to say...i dont even know what that means...she was so confused, thought mike was 'simple'--but she was cute, and that is def. a good way to pick up chicks...

anyway, on the way back to noras apartment the skies open up and it starts to pour...chris and i have little fucking umbrellas while mike has a big one...mine has a hole in it, and we are getting drenched from all directions..mike jumps in puddles as we are walking though lincoln center and people begin to stare...whatever, fun times....

we go out to a place in union square and have some din din and then we go buy some gin.....then we go to the crocadile bar where you get a ticket with every drink you purchase...this ticket is for your very own free personal pizza...there is a spanish dude in the back making them for you and you just go there with your ticket and get the pizza, we ate like 12 of them.

next we met up with some friends of mine and a place uptown on like 34 and 2nd ave..when we get there mike leaves his phone in the drives away...we call and eventually he gets it back....then there is a dude accross the street in cuffs getting arrested by a bunch of cops....we watch and stare--we later find out as they are leading this individual to an ambulance, that it is a woman...either she is fat, or pregnant..but still, only in new york.....

then we go to the bar and my friends say...o they are in the back...'BACK' mean outdoor backyard with beer pong tables set up...we play a few game, have a good time...eric and chris won 2 games...fucking bullshit. we were starting to get pretty drunk, and a little not sure what time it was, but we had to be up at 6:00 to ride to the start of the bike tour so we decided to go was def after 1:00, but im not sure excactly what time... we get and up and get ready and drive to the start...chris's tires are flat so he is struggling.....

we start riding after filling up the steve, this tour is very different than the last one..they didnt close any fucking streets...we were riding along bike lanes with cars flying by...very exciting, i felt like i was alive....crossed the brooklyn bridge, brooklyn was tight....then we finished in central park...meg met us there and we just hunout on the sheeps meadow for a was like 1000 degrees out...awesome.

went to noras, got read, went home.....9:30....chinese food at my place, 10:00 season premier of filled weekend...and again, thanks to all...dont know if i missed anything, im sure i did....

PS...longest post in the history of this i needed to get a break from work...

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