Monday, September 15, 2008

Whats up dudes...dont know if anyone will join me on the blog this week, but i am going to post some photos of our wonderful saturday night out at son cubano...a fine cuban restaurant. def. a lot of meat in the meatpacking district this saturday evening..a lot of dudes with other dudes, but its def. a tight place to go out and we should hit it up again...cause gay is 'chic' and you know all the hot bitches hangout with gay dudes....anyway the night started out slowly enough, waiting on line at around 11:00 to get in......

We get inside, straight to the bar for some delicious mojitos ...they were damn good...and a corona, got to catch up to the people that had been there for an hour....

About 11:45 we gather together for our first tequila shot...then we hudle and discuss....a bad sign of things to come.....

Eyes closing are jose's and chris's--we are going to chalk this up to bad timing on the photographer and not on the fact that we are drunk..cause we arent, yet.

Another photo session....who is taking these photos? they are the drunk ones...nick is cut out of the photo...BUT...the pointing is beginning and i have my mouth open...damn...its starting....

About 12:30...just finished out 2nd tequilla shot and chris's eyes are looking asian. asian man?

Im giving thumbs up....that usually means thumbs in...youre starting to get drunk and look stupid.

Jeremy Mosher makes a guest appearance in our photo...not sure who i am looking at....not sure what chris is doing...the ball is rolling down the

My eyes gravitate towards the camera....what can i say....the dancing is about to begin, i got my dancing shoes on thank goodness.....its probably around 1:45 by now....probably did out 3rd tequilla shot by now..... old assistant coach makes an appearance behind me.....

See, i told you we started is exhibit A...chris grinding with Liz......

Had to put a photo in of Nick Kroll up.....hanging out at the bar with a bunch of the guys....

At around 3:30 ish we figured it was time to go is the last photo of the evening of chris making friends...talking to some strangers on the side of the road who were waiting for a times.....

SIDENOTE2....please do not focus on the gremlin looking creature on the right...i dont know who that is..BUT..notice behind chris is Mr. Val Benitez...and his girlfriend...who i didnt notice until now has a tat on her arm...damn...she was cute to...go Val.

Steve is this the longest post ever now???

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